Tuesday, February 15, 2011

On a Mission

So, here we are, February 15 and I’ve spent the first six weeks of the year working and working and playing and did I mention working? There have been late nights, early mornings, and more than a few McFlurries to get me through my part-time weekend job. In short, I’ve been doing everything except eating right and working out as I should. I think I accidentally packed my motivation in my attic with my Christmas decorations. But last week, I ran into one of my brutally honest “friends” that I hadn’t seen in six or eight months and he suggested that perhaps I’d packed a little bit of holiday junk in the trunk… and forgot to take it back out. Well, thank you so much, I could have gone all day without knowing that. You sure know how to flatter a girl.

So now I’m on a mission to dejunk my trunk and get the jiggle out of my middle.

I have options… a veritable library of workout DVDs. I have P90X, Zumba, Insanity and some old school Tae-Bo on VHS. I’ve used them all. They all work. It’s clearly not an issue of doubting the results. And since it’s now been implied that Sir Mix-a-Lot had me in mind with his 1993 Grammy Award-winning song (you know the one; you know ALL the words, don’t even try to deny it), it’s clearly no longer an issue of motivation. It’s an issue of energy.

That’s the funny thing about exercise, the more you do it, the more energy you have but finding the energy to do it can often derail you before you even get started. But start I must…

So, tonight I’m going to pop Tony, Beto, or Shawn T into my DVD player, crank Nickelback loud enough to drown out the sound of the brownie mix calling from the pantry, and find the bikini body that is hiding underneath this holiday insulation.  And, if I don’t show up for work tomorrow, can someone come over to help me get out of bed? Thanks J    


  1. This statement That’s the funny thing about exercise, the more you do it, the more energy you have but finding the energy to do it can often derail you before you even get started could not be any more true!

    I have been on in an exercise funk since the start of the year too! Actually since it started getting dark at like 5 p.m. And I need to snap out of it!

    So I am being brave and going to spinning class tonight. And if I die, you can have my shoes. LOL!

  2. I'd love to have your shoes but I don't want a freak spinning accident to be how I get them! Hope it goes well! I can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. I'm just glad that you used quotes around the word FRIEND. Geeeeeeez!
