Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Weekend Recap...

A long holiday weekend should be full of fun and frivolity… not packing and pressure washing but as my least favorite saying in the world goes, “it is what it is”. When you’re planning a wedding, merging two houses, and doing anything you can to think about anything but a pending deployment, you find yourself making the best of a lot of chores you’d rather not be doing. As I look back on the weekend, it wasn’t all fun and games but even amidst the packing of boxes and moving of furniture, when Robert and I are in the same space, that’s my favorite place to be.  So, here’s the Top 10 of what I learned…
10- In my next life, no heavy furniture will reside on the second floor.
9- A new pressure washer is a good thing. A new pressure washer on sale with a gift card that comes with a free water hose is a better thing.
8- An ice cream date will not fix the bruises and scrapes you earned while moving furniture… but it sure does help.
7- I consider myself to be fairly intelligent but ratchet straps confuse the stuffings out of me.
6- How many Pyrex dishes does one household need? Obviously, just one more.
5- No matter how many boxes you think you’ll need, you will always need at least five more.
4- Your curious neighbors, the ones who watch your house and can give you a perfect physical description of any visitors, UPS packages, and the pizza delivery guy, will be unexplicably absent from their front porches when it’s time to move something heavy.
3- The quickest way to recover from packing, cleaning, and other assorted manual labor is to take a road trip on the back of a Harley.
2- If you go to the wrong cabinet for something more than twice, you’ve obviously put it in the wrong cabinet and you should just move it to where you naturally gravitate for that item.
1- At the end of the day, when all is said and done, a day (or two or ten) spent sorting and packing and sweating and moving is worth it because it’s a step to, as Robert reminded me, “being in the same house, as a family, starting a life together.” And he’s absolutely right. So, hand me another box… I have a little more packing to do.

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