Friday, July 22, 2011

Bridezilla Shoes

With the wedding three weeks from Sunday, and all of next week a wash because I’ll be out of town for work, people are starting to ask me if I’m stressed. I probably would be… if I had time. Right after we got engaged, I promised Robert that I would not be a Bridezilla. Apparently, he doesn’t watch WE tv because he actually asked, “What’s a Bridezilla?” I tried to explain it but finally settled on an explanation of “you’ll know it when you see it”. He seemed content with that and pretty much decided to keep his eyes peeled and his running shoes handy so that he could make a hasty escape at the first signs of a fire-breathing dragon that resembles the girl he’s come to know and love.
I think there may have been two or three Bridezilla moments over the past six weeks but I’m fairly certain that one of them was an issue of selling the house and not planning the perfect wedding so I don’t think that one should count. Robert might disagree with me on that number; sometimes you don’t recognize the dragon in yourself the way others do.
I did a little internet research yesterday and found a quiz that would help me determine my Bridezilla status. I haven’t thrown cake at the baker; I haven’t screamed at a florist. I haven’t told anyone that their opinion doesn’t count and that their money situation isn’t my problem (truly, are there people that actually say things like that?). In all the scientific accuracy that an internet quiz can muster, I’ve been declared “A Handler” which, as far as I can tell, is pretty much on the opposite end of the spectrum from a Bridezilla. I’ve done what I can; I’ve delegated the rest to people I trust and they’ve done a fantastic job. It’s all in good hands and it’ll all come together.
At the end of the day, I can pretty much guarantee that no one will remember the font on the invitations or the color of the frosting on the cake. No one will care if we get five minutes off schedule and no one will notice whether the ribbon holding their utensils together was tied with a knot or a bow. At the end of the day, it’s not the wedding but the marriage that matters. What’s important is that we’re united in love, committed by faith, and determined to walk side by side for the rest of always.
Robert may have gotten his running shoes out to be ready to escape the attack of a Bridezilla but I suspect he’ll put them on to walk as far as this path of life will take us. I know that my running shoes are on, my laces are tied, and I’m ready to walk too- not just down the aisle but as far as I can see into the future- with him.

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