Monday, July 18, 2011

Weekend Top 10

Blurry, blurry… for a girl whose Friday night drink of choice is Diet Dew, my weekends sure do get blurry. One of these days, I’m going to have to seriously stop to smell the roses. This weekend, there was no time for roses but I did tackle my lawn so maybe I took in at least one whiff of fresh cut grass. That counts right? So, as Monday’s tradition has become, here’s the top 10 moments of magic and mayhem from my weekend.
10- While having a marriage license in hand will make you seriously consider going to the Magistrate’s Office to tie the knot, visions of upset mothers and the knowledge that no wedding = no cake is enough to make you wait.
9- Registering for gifts is easy. Helping the groom understand the value of matching towels and the concept of glasses as opposed to plastic cups is not so easy.
8- If the quickest way to a man’s heart is through this stomach, a box full of homemade oatmeal cream pies makes that trip a lot shorter.
7- Animal crackers are the best negotiation tools when you are being held hostage by three year olds who appear to have had Jolt cola and pixie sticks for breakfast.
6- Two eight year olds and a four (and a half) year old doing cartwheels in the bonus room might sound like a herd of elephants but that happy little stampede is welcome at our place anytime.
5- Getting both sets of families together may require a scheduling miracle but there’s nothing in the world quite like having a house full of people who love and support you. We are truly blessed and so very thankful. J
4- Slow service at a restaurant just means you get more time to hang out and catch up with people you haven’t seen in a while.
3- It takes exactly 2.5 nanoseconds for a praying mantis and a little boy to become “the very bestest of buddies”. It takes considerably longer for a little boy to understand that the praying mantis doesn’t want to live in his pocket.
2- Even with a couch and a loveseat I wouldn’t have to share, the left half of Robert’s chair (with him on the right half of course) is still my favorite place in the whole house to sit.
1- A heart full of love, a home full of laughter, and a refrigerator of leftovers… it just doesn't get much better than that.
I hope your weekend was light on the chores and loaded with fun, that you met some new people and made some new friends, and that you’re already ready for next weekend. I know I am! J

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