Monday, June 13, 2011

Weekend Top 10

A few weeks ago, I posted my version of David Letterman’s Top 10 List of things I learned over the weekend. It was a happy little high-speed jaunt back through a very busy few days. It was easy and fun and, most importantly, it made me smile. Since today is Monday and I’ve spent most of my day doing something that resembles math (like Mondays weren't bad enough on their own without adding math to the mix), you’ll understand that a happy jaunt to anywhere but here would be a welcome break. So, here we go….. the “fun things to know and tell” that I learned this weekend…
10- When the internet says it will rain at 10, do not venture out at 8 without an umbrella… if you do, chances are you’ll end up soaking wet but laughing so hard that you can hardly stand up.
9- Wet flip-flops stretch just enough to be difficult to keep on when running in the pouring rain.
8- Contrary to popular belief, it is quite possible to watch too many National Lampoon movies in a row. The limit, friends, is two.
7- Homemade lasagna is much, much, much better than the stuff in the box. (I think we knew this already.)
6- Mosquitoes like hairspray. J
5- Chocolate chip cookies make wedding planning easier. They, however, probably make fitting into the wedding dress more difficult.
4- Working when everyone else is at the pool is the polar opposite of FUN.
3- Sleeping until 1:30pm on a Saturday is a rare and special skill… that I, unlike some others who shall remain nameless, do not (and probably will never) possess.
2- Fun foam is my new favorite crafting material.
1-The length of the weekend is inversely proportional to the number of fun memories and memorable moments that can be crammed into it.
I hope your weekend was jammed-packed with memorable moments. I hope you caught up on some rest, caught up with some friends, or just caught up on your catching up. I hope you laughed out loud and paraded in the rain. I hope your weekend was something easy, something simple… Something More.


  1. Thanks! And thanks for stopping by the blog; hope to see you again here soon :)
