Friday, June 3, 2011

From a Zip to a Ship

From the high-flying ziplining adventure of Saturday morning, Robert and I headed west to Lake Hickory, a lake that spans, I think someone told me, 200 miles across four counties. As soon as we arrived at the lake late Saturday afternoon, we hopped on the party barge (you may know it as a pontoon boat) and cruised down the lake to dinner. Lake Hickory is home to some of the most gorgeous homes I’ve seen and weekend residents include sports figures and celebrities... a certain someone in our boat was this close to ringing Denzel’s doorbell. I soooo would have gone with her to do it.
The cruise back from dinner was less about sightseeing and more about the entertainment on the boat itself. I haven’t laughed that hard in who knows how long and apparently, it doesn’t take much more than a creatively stocked iPod and a story about Panama City to get a party barge bash started.
Back on land, we joined in what seemed to me to be a good old fashioned neighborhood block party. We laughed and danced and Robert and I FINALLY won a game of corn hole so all in all, it was a perfect day!
Sunday, the block party moved to the water and we spent the day on the lake, forming a flotilla of five or six boats anchored and tethered together in a cove, away from the hustle and bustle of the busy holiday traffic in the main channel of the lake. I, amazingly, managed to stay my current shade of pale with no burning, peeling, or typical sunburn misery. Thank you, Coppertone; I owe you one. There were, however, some members of our crew that were sporting “neon tans” and believe me, they had my sympathies.
Monday, we headed home and all was well until someone said four little words that jinxed everything: “We’re making great time” but I’ll tell you about that later…..
In the course of this one weekend, I went from single to engaged, from walking to flying, and from landlocked to waterlogged. I hope you spent your weekend on the Partytrain to Funville too and that it's a trip you'll take again soon.
PS- I would be remiss if I didn’t say THANK YOU to our military service personnel for their service and sacrifice. Not just on Memorial Day but every day, you fight an enemy in front of you to protect a family behind you and I, for one, am grateful.

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