Wednesday, June 1, 2011

A Zip Roaring Good Time!

Several months ago, in the middle of a “try new things” moment in my life, I found a discount coupon on Living Social for a ziplining adventure at Kersey Valley Farm in High Point.  I talked a friend into taking a little road trip with me on Saturday and it turned out to be a zip roaring good time!
We arrived at Kersey Valley Farm and were introduced to our Flight Captain, Terri. Terri and her assistants helped us into very attractive helmets, thick gloves, and some very snug harnesses. The assistant helping me kept asking if my harness belts were too tight. I quickly told her there was no such thing as “too tight” if it meant I wouldn’t plummet six stories during the middle of a line. She assured me I wouldn’t fall; I’m pretty sure she looked like she meant it.
With everyone suited up and ready to go, we watched an instructional video and then headed out to our first zipline where we learned how to attach to the line, how to brake and steer, and finally how to land safely on the other side. Everyone was excited but anxious; it’s sort of sad when the grown-ups are hiding behind the 10 year old. It reminded me of penguins who push a little one in to see if there’s a predator in the water. Yep, we pretty much sacrificed the young’un.
After a line or two, everyone was gaining confidence and it was fun without fear. We even had a few fellas in our group letting go and spinning around backwards. A few more lines under our belts and we were making friendships within the group and picking on each other like we’d known each other forever. By line ten, some were making plans to meet up later. My friend and I both had other plans so we bid farewell to our high flying friends and moved along to the rest of our weekend.
Ziplining feels like flying without making you feel like you’re falling. The maneuvers are easy, even for the gracefully-challenged. I highly recommend it and would go back in an instant (if I had another half price ticket). My one suggestion would be that if you go, wear cargo shorts or some type of pants with low pockets because once you have that harness on, getting your camera or cell phone out of your front hip pocket is nearly impossible. And that, friends, is why there is only one photo of the zip roaring good time. L

 Kersey Valley Farm also has a maize maze and haunted trails for the Halloween season, laser tag, and nighttime ziplining for the more adventurous souls. It's a fun, family-friendly place with one exception- there are no bathrooms (they do have a port-o-potty) so prepare accordingly.

I hope your Saturday left you with some wind in your hair, some adrenaline in your veins, and some adventure in your life. I hope it was something fun, something spontaneous… Something More.


  1. I CAN NOT believe that you will take a picture of Ikea or a plate of food, but we get NO photos of ziplining. Geez...what a let down...

  2. Trust me, after 10 ziplines in 90 degree weather and a seriously sad case of helmet hair, any photos that may currently be on my phone were not worth the wrath they would incur. :) I do think I have some scenic shots though so hold tight and let me see what I can do.....

  3. Well now that is cool! See ...even u think the blog is now improved w/ a photo :) It's your fault since the other postings always have pics!

  4. It certainly is better... but in my defense (what little there is), a plate of food sits still, a gal on a zipline does not! :)
