Wednesday, June 22, 2011

We are not Stalkers... I don't think...

“We are not Stalkers.”
If I heard that once over the weekend, I think I heard it at least ten times… from my sister… who apparently is working very hard to convince people that we’re not stalking Bill Gentry. What would make someone think we were? Oh, I don’t know… let me think… could it be that we had concerts #5 and #6 on tap for the weekend… and that we always figure out a way to get to the front row? Could it be that we know all the words to all the songs and we’ve bookmarked all the videos on youtube? Could it be that, between the two of us, we have 3 BG t-shirts, 8 CDs, and at least 13 sets of Mardi Gras beads we “acquired” from Bill during shows? (And no, we didn’t have to “earn” them, in case you were curious.) Could it be that we have photos and autographed set lists displayed like kindergarten artwork on our refrigerators? Could it be that we hang around after the concerts and monopolize Bill and the band with chit-chat and questions? Could it be that we’re “friends” with all of them on facebook and don’t hesitate to post on their walls or send them emails? Oh, nooooooo, those things don’t make us seem like stalkers at all.
We took a little BG road trip this weekend with our great friends and fellow members of the Gentry Nation, Patsy and Blane, and had an unbelievably fantastic time! I’ve said it before but it remains true- Every time I think I can’t have more fun than the last BG concert, he proves me wrong.  On the boot-clad heels of a 14 show stint at CMA Fest in Nashville, Bill found some gas left in his tank and delivered one heck of a high octane performance. He put the pedal to the metal and never hit the brakes; it was more fun than Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride. Bill Gentry is not just a rising star, he’s a comet streaking across the sky of superstardom and we’re thrilled to be a part of his epic adventure.
As much as we love his performance on stage, we’re more enamored with his personality off-stage. He’s genuinely humble, friendly, and more than willing to spend time with fans and friends… and maybe even stalkers J.
We do love Bill but we also love the guys in the band. Matthew, Gary, Chris, Eric, and Steve are fantastic on stage but are equally fantastic off-stage when they’re just hanging out, cutting up, and having a good time. They are people you’d want to hang with any day of the week, not just on a Saturday night after a show.
We left the concert with pre-release copies of Bill’s album, Baptized in Temptation, coming out this fall. And let me just tell you, if you don’t buy any other CD in 2011, buy this one. You will not be sorry. I promise. It’s a full throttle, foot tapping, finger drumming on the steering wheel, dance your head, rockin’ country good time. You will put your windows down, crank the volume up, and wait patiently for the drivers in the next car to say “whatcha listening to?” and they will. This CD will take the mundane out of your Monday and put some fun in your Friday. It will be on perpetual repeat and you will move it from the car to your office and back again. Baptized in Temptation is not a CD you’ll buy for 2 songs; it’s a CD you’ll buy and wish there were 2 more songs, or 10 more.  I believe the release is October-ish maybe but in the meantime, check out his website (join his email list and you can probably still get a free 6 song download), give him a listen and hear what you’ve been missing… you’ll be glad you did. Bill Gentry is simply PHENOMENAL. He is… Something Else.

PS- In case you missed the tales of our previous adventures at Bill Gentry concerts, here are the links: The Magic Number (concert #4), The Exception to the Rule (concert #3), A Seam Splitting Good Time (concert #2), Best. Night. EVER. (concert #1)


  1. Thank you thank you thank you, MaryBryan!!! This is awesome! Appreciate ALL of your support so much... take care and keep rockin!!! :-)

  2. I'm thrilled you stopped by, Bill! Can't wait to blog about the next show...

    And that, blogbuddies, proves my point that you should become members of the Gentry Nation... a guy with a plate so full he needs a place setting to hold it all takes the time to say hi on my little blog... how unbelievably amazing is that?!?!?! (Insert crazy silly happy dance here.)

  3. 2011 is turning out to be quite a lot more for you my dear :)
