Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank you, Veterans.

They didn’t apply for it, they volunteered for it. It’s not a job, it’s a calling. They signed on the dotted line and now stand on the thin line that separates the ability to live in freedom from the oppression of living in fear.

They run toward danger and serve as human shields for strangers. They take on impossible missions and find a way to complete the task. When they can’t find a way, they make a way. They won’t let you down. They won’t leave you behind.

They do jobs most people would never consider in places most people have never heard of. They seek out danger and put themselves in harm's way so that we can enjoy the liberties we so often take for granted. They don't ask for a 'thank you'; they usually don't know how to react when they get one because credit and accolades are the last things on their minds.

They live out of backpacks and rucksacks. They sleep but they do not rest. They are never comfortable, almost always cold or hot or wet. They don’t get days off; they are always focused and on guard. Yet they do not complain.

They come home bruised and broken but they find a way to move forward and to soldier on. They see things we can’t imagine and see them again in their dreams. They don’t have the words to explain it; we probably couldn’t understand anyway.

They appreciate the value of a two minute phone call, treasure a piece of mail from home, and savor a care package of stale brownies. They take nothing for granted and make use of every resource. They can fix anything with nothing and are the masters of the Plan B, or C, or D.

They miss birthdays and anniversaries, holidays and special events. They don’t get to go to ballgames or dance recitals. They often don’t get to carve the Thanksgiving turkey or trim the Christmas tree. But when they get to enjoy those things, they don’t take one moment for granted.

They are dedicated and sacrificing and dependable and honorable and a thousand more good things. They are Veterans.

And I’m proud today, and every day, to be the wife, granddaughter, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, and friend of so many wonderful members of military service. 'Thank you' isn’t enough to tell you how grateful I am for each of you for your service and your sacrifice. Happy Veteran’s Day.

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