Monday, November 21, 2011

One Clever Cookie

Last night was the Thanksgiving service and dessert fellowship at church. As I baked a batch of pumpkin spice cookies, the standard covered dish question ran through my head:

“What can I put these cookies on? I’d love to use a paper plate so I can just throw it away when it’s empty but a paper plate is soooooo boring. I’m a lot of things but boring is not one of them. There has to be a better way!”

Enter Pinterest, the web-based bulletin board that gives you ideas on everything from crafts to clothes and from home decorating to home cooking… AND it includes links to originating websites so you can get the step by step on how to do it. You simply “pin” the great ideas on your board and come back to them when you need them or when you have time. Pinterest is budget-friendly and includes about a zillion ideas that are low-cost replicas of high-end treasures. I’ve already tried a few Pinterest projects and have no doubt that there are more in my future. (Sorry, Robert, it looks like craft night just became a regular household event!)

So, I’m standing in our kitchen, running out of time and staring almost hopelessly at my cookie sheet of tasty morsels. I flip through the card catalog of ideas that I store in the far reaches of my noggin… and it hits me! An image I pinned a few weeks ago…

And so with a paper plate, a hole punch, and some ribbon… I went from this:


And that, my friends, is one Clever Cookie!

(And thanks Pinterest for showing crafters that low budget and high style are completely compatible!)  

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to have to remember that trick...I hate just taking a plain paper plate too.
