Thursday, August 4, 2011

Why so blue, Berry?

A few years ago, a grant position opened up in our office. It was a math-based position so there was no way South of Heaven I was interested in the job and I was pretty sure the person who filled the spot would be a tape-on-the-glasses, oversized pocket-protector, Revenge of the Nerds sort of character.
I was pretty wrong.
Rebecca was fun and sassy with a great sense of style and a quirky sense of humor. She started out as one of the few people in my man-centered office that I could talk to about scrapbooking and baking and fashion and crafts. She quickly became a great friend. Sadly, Rebecca left our office to pursue lofty ambitions but we stay in touch. She’s a fantabulous blogger and is the one who convinced me I could be a blogger too.
A few weeks ago, Rebecca posted on her blog, I Wanna Be A Domestic Goddess, that she and some friends were starting a monthly blog-off of sorts. Each month, they would make something with an in-season fruit and compare notes. In the midst of all I have going on, what’s one more thing on the plate, especially if it’s a dessert plate, right? I asked to join in on the fun and was given the July assignment of blueberries. I was in luck; Mom had just given me a huge container of the tiny Smurf-shaded morsels and Robert was willing to guinea pig whatever was coming out of the oven.
I like to bake but sometimes I don’t have the patience, creativity, or knowledge. Prime example, for July, Rebecca made blueberry pop-tarts. From scratch. With sprinkles. From her own recipe that she just whipped up like buttercream out of thin air. I, on the other hand, made blueberry cobbler... with the easiest recipe in the history of the world.
Here’s the recipe:
1 stick butter or margarine, 1 cup self-rising flour, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, Blueberries
Here’s what to do:
Preheat oven to 350. Combine flour, sugar, & milk in bowl, wisk until mixed. Place stick of butter in 9x13 pyrex dish in oven.  When butter sizzles, pour flour mix in dish. DO NOT STIR. Sprinkle blueberries on top of batter. DO NOT STIR. Bake 350 for 1 hour or until golden brown.
*The blueberries can be swapped for pretty much any fruit; canned peaches work well too, undrained.
The cobbler was quick and easy and although some of the blueberries were a little on the sour side, it was a great Saturday afternoon treat.
Maybe next month, I’ll try something a little more difficult… I'm easing into it. Stay tuned for my tiny addition to their baking blog-off the last day of every month (or shortly thereafter as I am always running a minute or two behind the curve.)


  1. The cobbler was SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! Thanks sweetie :)

  2. This sounds so good! And you know if I did have a pocket protector, it would be fashionably chic!
