Monday, August 1, 2011

Trip Top 10

Welcome Home, me! It’s no huge secret that I wasn’t looking forward to my work trip last week. I was ready to come home before I even left town on Tuesday. Not that the place I went wasn’t a great city (it was); not that the people I knew there aren’t great people (they are); it just was a case of bad timing and higher priorities. These days, classes and seminars and networking just seem to take a backseat to what’s going on in the 5pm-8am part of my day. Now that I’m home where I belong, I realize the trip wasn’t all bad. So, in true Monday fashion, here’s the Top 10 Things from my trip.
10- The frostbite of bare feet on an airplace is outweighed by the convenience of wearing flip-flops to get through security.
9- It’s very easy to be classy… until you get something stuck between your teeth. (And, no, it wasn’t me… this time.)
8- I love children as much as the next girl but how do parents not realize that allowing them to push every button on the elevator of a 29 story hotel is NOT cute?
7- Funniest line heard during the week: “This steak is so rare, I think if I put a band-aid on it, I could send it back out to pasture.” The dessert, however, most definitely made up for the anticipation that the steak might actually get up and walk off the plate.
6- When you mess up the words to Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the 7th inning stretch, you may have had too much to drink. (Again, NOT me.)
5- When you’re 500 miles from home and your wedding is less than two weeks away, it’s amazingly awesomely helpful to have a mom who is remembering all the things you’re forgetting. Thanks, Mom!
4- If your plane ticket is roundtrip, why do you have to pay twice for your checked bag? And, by the way, Delta, why do we have to pay to check a bag anyway? You know we can’t travel without shoes and hair goop. It’s ridiculous, exploitive, and pretty much amounts to highway robbery…err, airway robbery?  airline robbery? Yeah, I don’t know what you call it, but it’s BAD.
3- Where I was raised, getting poor customer service does not give you the right to be a poor customer. In other places, however, this philosophy becomes null and void when the cashier throws your items in the bag and breaks your pop-tarts. Broken breakfast pastries, it seems, entitle you to yell at a cashier and call her names we don’t use here in the South. You just never know when a city’s image rests on your shoulders- be an advertisement, not a warning label.
2- The baggage claim of the airport ranks pretty high on the list of fun places to hug someone you love. There may have also been kissing… but unless security cameras caught it, I’m not gonna kiss and tell. J
1- No matter where you go, Dorothy is right. There is no place like home.


  1. Broken PopTarts might cause a case of Rebecca Rage in me. Though it is more of a passive-aggressive Rebecca Rage. I won't say anything but boy oh boy, am I going to write about it!

    (I just like PopTarts. A lot.)

    (And you know me well enough to know I never yell. Or am verbally mean. My three years in the South served me well.)

  2. Too funny- since I started the blog, I'm very quick to tell people (like customer service reps) that I have a blog and I'm not afraid to use it! :)

    LOVED the blueberry poptarts on your blog for Bake It Seasonal... I hope to get my post up today in true 'MaryB is always late' fashion!
