Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Top 10- Anniversary Edition

One month ago, my life changed permanently and perfectly into what it has always meant to be. I put on a beautiful white dress, walked down an aisle in front of family and friends, and joined hands and hearts with the man who is my best friend, my unfailing support, my constant comedian, and the absolute love of my life.
They say, ‘when you know, you know’ and they (whoever they are) are right. I think Robert says he knew within a week of our meeting. Little did he know that a week’s worth of fantastic home-cooked meals and funny stories is about all I’m good for but lucky for me, by then, he was hooked! J
For me, always the one to put up the walls, it took a little longer. I think it was day 2 of a week of him being away on a work trip for me to realize 1. he’d packed my heart in his duffle bag, yep, I'm pretty sure he sandwiched it right there between his socks and his shampoo; and 2. I was perfectly confident that he’d take care of it, protect it, and bring it back in better condition than he found it. And I was right.
And every day since then, I’ve found a new reason to love him… and here’s  the Top 10 (because you know how much I love a good Top 10 list!)
10- He didn’t even flinch when I accidentally stapled the wedding program to the kitchen table… the table that has safely made it through moves to three states but apparently can only barely survive me on crafty project night… and that lets me know he’s forgiving… and has a sense of humor.
9- He won the firearms competition at work but is quick to tell people I can outshoot him… which is not true… but it lets me know he’s proud of me.
8- There’s not a day that goes by he doesn’t call me Gorgeous or Beautiful or Sweetness… which is also not always true… but it makes me feel like the prettiest girl in the whole wide world.
7- He always tells me dinner is great and always thanks me for packing his lunch even when it’s no trouble at all… and that lets me know I'm appreciated.
6- Instead of complaining when I don’t fold the towels or t-shirts the way he used to do it, he chooses to be grateful that the laundry is done… and that makes me feel like a good homemaker.
5- He always calls to tell me he’s on the way home… and ends every call with “I love you”… and that lets me know he’s thinking of me and that I am loved.
4- He handles the yard work that I detest... and that lets me know I’m not alone in this partnership and that I don't have to do everything by myself.  
3- When I have a ‘special moment’, like when I asked if camouflage spray paint comes out of the can in three colors, he never laughs at me (just with me, later)… and that makes me feel like it’s OK to make mistakes or to not know everything.
2- When I riddle him with questions about anything and everything military, he never tells me it’s a silly question or asks why I’m asking, he just explains it in a way I understand or explains it again until I get it… and that lets me know he cares enough to want me comfortable understanding the work that is such a huge part of our lives.
1-Before he makes a decision, he asks me what I think… and that lets me know that my opinion matters.
We were both independent for so long before we found each other, thinking of someone else first isn’t always second nature but Robert works very hard to make sure I am considered, included, and involved. I appreciate that more than he could ever know. I know life won’t always be perfect, or easy, or simple. I also know that if we keep doing what we’re doing, countless tiny things that let the other know "I'm here for you", we’ll be perfectly, wonderfully, amazingly fantastic until the last chapter says… Happily Ever After.
I love you, Robert. Happy One Month Anniversary.

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