Saturday, September 17, 2011

Can You Hear Me Now??? Yes, I sure can.

After sending my complaining, ranting, raving, squeaky wheeling email to the big cell phone company, and truly feeling no better for having voiced all of my disappointment and dismay, a friend called with a suggestion on a last ditch effort to fix the problem. And it was truly a light bulb moment when I was 1. grateful for friends who are not only smart but have extra doses of common sense and 2. irritated all over again that none of the five company representatives I’d worked with over the past few days had thought of this brilliantly simple, problem solving idea.

And so we went to the store (not the store we'd tried before) hopeful but completely prepared for another disappointment.  Enter Matt. We explained the gist of our dilemma and our idea on how to fix it. Matt never missed a beat and said “absolutely, that’s a great idea.” Finally, we're getting somewhere!

An hour or so later, we walked out of the store with not only the phone I wanted (and it’s pink; you knew it would be!), but with a merged plan that actually saves us 10 dollars a month, and a peace of mind that I will never be unreachable when or if Robert needs me while he’s away. I know Matt did all the work but somehow I walked out feeling like my own version of David and Goliath, like my voice was heard through the sea of customers and my pennies mattered in the bank of their 10.2 billion dollar profits. I told Robert I felt like it was a “victory for poor people everywhere” that I didn’t cave to paying their high phone price. He gave me the look and told me I was being a little dramatic. I didn’t care; I was on top of the world. I love a good happy ending.     

As we got back in the truck, I got a follow up email from the rant I’d sent to Customer Service. It thanked me for being a loyal customer and explained to me why there was nothing they could do to help change my situation. I guess they’ve never met Matt.

1 comment:

  1. help me out here dear author...what was the brilliant idea carried out by Matt? Did you merge plans with Robert? I seem to have missed that detail. Nonetheless, I'm glad you prevailed. I had no doubt.
