Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weekend Top 10

Since the weekend moved past me at the speed of blur, and we’re already well into the middle of a new work week, I think I’ll take a quick moment today to press the PAUSE button and reflect on some of the things I realized over the past few days.

10- No matter what time I rise and shine, I’m going to be 5 minutes late… at least.
9- There will always be a coupon in Sunday’s paper for something I paid full price for on Saturday.
8- Watching a guy play ball with a three year old is the quickest way to tell if he will be a good dad someday.
7- A scoop of ice cream on a park bench will never be anything less than a perfect date idea.
6- You can go a whole weekend without TV and truly never miss it.
5- Flip-flops and Harley exhaust pipes do not play well together. And, by the way, curls and helmets don’t either.
4- A lunchbox is quite possibly the sweetest place to find a love note.
3- Walking to the neighbor’s party means you can eat an extra cookie (or two) when you get there.
2- Dinner always tastes better when someone else cooks it (or grills it, as the case may be).
1-   Life is infinitely better when you have someone to share it with.
I hope your weekend left you with a smile on your face, a memory in your heart, and someone special on your mind. I hope it was something magical, something special… Something More.